2023-12-06 15:00  P7F Seminar Room

[Journal Club] Hamiltonian lattice gauge theory and application to nonequilibrium and dense QCD

Prof. Yoshimasa Hidaka

I present an approach to lattice QCD using the Hamiltonian formalism for nonequilibrium and finite density. This approach can circumvent the sign problem of QCD that arises from importance sampling. Because the gauge theory has infinite-dimensional Hilbert space even on a finite lattice, due to the gauge field being a boson, and because of the large redundancy in degrees of freedom associated with gauge symmetry, it is necessary to introduce regularization to perform calculations. To this end, we employ a q-deformed gauge theory as a regularization technique that preserves the properties of the original gauge theory. As applications of Hamiltonian formalism, I show our results on the thermalization process on a small lattice system, and the thermodynamic behavior at finite density in a (1+1)-dimensional system using the density matrix renormalization group technique.